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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Welcome to Akatsuki Learning Centre

Why Akatsuki?
Akatsuki originally come from Naruto Anime/Manga. Akatsuki was a group of shinobi in Naruto's story. It consists of some great and skilled shinobi. The reason why I choosed "Akatsuki" was simple beacause I'm a fan of Naruto and when I saw Akatsuki, I thought it was cool. But, You know in Naruto Manga/Anime Akatsuki was considered as The Bad character coz all the members were categorized as "Missing Nin" that betrayed to their village. But one thing that you have to know that the pure purpose of Akatsuki indeed was for the better future and peace in Shinobi World as well as Yahiko's Main Purpose as the founder and former of Akatsuki. You can watch it in the Naruto Anime!!. So, I take this name as well as Akatsuki original/pure purpose. I also really like Akatsuki's symbol "The Red Cloud" for me it's really cool. Iwant to make the t-shirt with akatsuki learning centre like this!
but I still need to modify it. I will explain why I put Learning and Centre when I have free time. . . hehe... So, this time I just wanna say "Welcome to Akatsuki Learning Centre"
See you next time! Keep learning and Keep spirit!!!