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Thursday, July 21, 2016

TOEFL Prediction (Online Registration)

For Online Registration, Please Click the Link Below!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Remove/Hide "Navbar" on Blogger

Navbar is "original standard feature on blogger. Most of people considered that navbar looks disturbing the blogs' display.

Here, Tips to remove/hide navbar on blogger:
1. Login to blogger, enter settings-layout.
2. Edit layout navbar and choose "off" in navbar setting.
3. Save and see the result. (Maybe it remains space between the top of blog display and header).
4. Click template, edit HTML, find this code ]]></b:skin> by pressing ctrl+F.
5. Put the following code below "exactly" on ]]></b:skin> 
#navbar, #navbar-iframe {
   height: 0px;
   visibility: hidden;
   display: none;

6. Save and Preview.
7. You'll see there's no more navbar on your blog display.

Monday, March 28, 2016

WhatsApp with "Document" Attachment

The Messenger Application on smartphone, rely on competion.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Windows 10 Mobile "Final Release"

Finally, Windows 10 Mobile is coming!!!

For the windowsphone users,  this is what they've been waiting for since windows preview build was released. The Windows 10 Mobile Final finally released. Based on the information, not all windowsphone series can be installed with this "Final" build. One of the windowsphones series that can be installed windows 10 mobile final is my Lumia 730. To install the final build, there are some steps:

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Kodingareng Keke - Paradise Under Water

One of the beautiful islands in Makassar is Kodingareng Keke. I've just visited there several months ago. It's totally awesome place. Just for info, There's no one living in that Island. Its area is not so wide. But this Island is populer with its underwater panorama, white sands, and clean area. I'm not sure that Kodingareng Keke will always clean and exciting, but I hope every visitors will always keep it clean.

So Beautiful :D (I mean its scenery, hehe)

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Barber On Call

For you guys who don't have time visiting barbershop. Barber On Call is available right now, right here. So, not only Air Conditioner service that has "on call" service but also the barber. This service namely Barber on Call (BoC). So, you just have to call the butcher . . . .Ooops.. The Barber to come to your home. The price is very cheap and reachable as the barber shop outside there, only Rp. 15.000,- - Rp. 20.000,- you'll get a cool haircut like Korean or Western style as you need. Are you interested? Just call on 085210473354 that barber name is Wahyu, my friend. He is friendly and funny. His operation areas are Makassar City and Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. :D